Baker Hughes a GE Company/Masoneilan — Is a leading producer of reciprocating, rotary and severe service control valves, regulators, and field instrumentation. Major product brands include the Camflex® II eccentric plug rotary valve, Lincoln Log®, SVI 2 and SVI 3 digital valve positioner and controller. Your leader in Severe Service applications.

ROTORK — Rotork is the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of industrial valve actuators, valve control systems, valve gearboxes and accessories. Under the Rotork banner; Rotork Controls, Rotork Process Controls, Rotork Fluid Systems and Rotork Field Service all aid in providing the proper actuator for your application. With the acquisition of Jordan, Remote Control and Type K, Rotork has an automation package for just about any application.

Forum® Energy Technologies supplies one of the most comprehensive offerings of quality valve products in the industry through our family of trusted valve brands. PBV® Valve trunnion & flanged floating ball valves. DSI® Valve Cast & forged, carbon steel, chrome & stainless steel gate, globe & check valves.

Alloy Valves and Control, Inc. – AVCO is a global leader in innovative engineered ball valves and instrumentation devices for all types of fluid flow conditions in the piping process market.

Flo-Tite Inc. is a manufacturer of high quality ball valves ranging from standard commercial type ball valves to high-pressure metal seated control valves.

Union Tech Z-Series Valves comprise of both severe-service metal-seated and rising-stem ball valves. The Z-Series product line covers both zero-leakage critical isolation applications.
Flowrox – 40 years of experience in flow control and elastomer technology are obvious benefits we can offer and we are the benchmark for heavy duty pinch valves, slurry knife gate valves, pumps and systems.
Burkert – Leading Manufacturer of fluid control systems: solenoid, angle seat, ball, analytical and control valves; flow, pH, ORP, conductivity, pressure, temperature, level sensors and controllers.
ASC – A complete range of butterfly valves, pneumatic and electric actuators, actuation accessories and dual door wafer check valves. ABZ is an industry trusted source for shutoff isolation valves and automated valve solutions for use in general purpose to the most demanding applications. Quadrant valves deliver field proven, reliable shutoff isolation valves and automated valve solutions for industrial markets.